Sunday, December 21, 2014

It's the most wonderful tiiiime of the year!

Hey y'all I'm home! Keegan and I got in late Friday night, 11 and a half hours of driving, didn't hit a lot of traffic, ate a lot of snacks, not bad all around. 

I read two books last week:
Dreamer's Pool by Juliet Marillier is a YA book about a young woman who is thrown in prison (time period unknown, but they ride horses so... Medieval?) and gets offered a deal that she can escape if she spends the next 7 years helping anyone who asks for help instead of seeking revenge on the guy who got her thrown in jail. There's some royalty, some magic, some forests involved. The book was a nice diversion from worrying about Christmas presents or lack there of! 

I then read Trapeze by Simon Mawer which I loved and I reccomend to all. It's a fictionalized story of the real women in WWII who were sent undercover into Nazi occupied France to help with the Resistance.  I love reading and learning about the world wars, so this novel was right up my alley. 

Not a book but still awesome, Serial, a spin-off of The American Life by NPR, just ended. It's a podcast, so only online, but you can download them to your device or comp through iTunes or listen online at
A reporter reexamines a 15 year old murder case of a teenager girl in Baltimore. Her ex-boyfriend is currently serving life. The story is compelling and exciting and really made me think about the criminal justice system in America. 

In other news, I crafted so much this week!

I painted a moon phases design onto the back of a over shirt I bought at Salvation Army last month:

First I cut out some templates and chose my colors of fabric paint. I used an old cereal box for the cardboard, draw a circle using a bowl, and then decided how many moon phases I wanted to do. Tulip is my favorite brand of fabric paint.

Friday, December 12, 2014

one week to go!

Hello all!
It's been a hectic two weeks, I worked almost 50 hours last week (thank you pregnant co-worker for the extra hours) and then got hit with a massive cold.

I have read a couple of great books while in bed the past few days:
The Circle by Dave Eggers (Keegan's literary crush) was really interesting, but I hated all the characters. The novel is about our society when social media takes over and how it affects our rights to privacy, opinion, etc. Very pop-psychology, a sort of end-of-the-world-as-we-know-it novel without the zombies. Not Egger's best work, but entertaining non the less.

American Gods by Neil Gaiman, another amazing book produced by my favorite author. I highly recommend this to everyone. The main character, Shadow, a man just released from prison, gets hired by Mr. Wednesday to be a glorified errand boy - driving him around, picking up and delivering packages, etc. Shadow comes to understand that everyone he is meeting and working for are gods (stay with me here) that were brought over by immigrants or explorers hundreds of years ago. It sounds kind of lame, but it so so interesting. They don't have magical powers, they're just ordinary men and women who used to have thousands of worshippers, trying to stay alive in a world of car-gods, and internet-gods. So fascinating. I read the 10th anniversary edition which is the extended manuscript but I am sure the regular edition is great too! Really read anything by Gaiman, he's a miracle.

The Stone Gods by Jeanette Winters was recommended to me by my lovely mother. Each chapter is a different story but the story-line repeats itself in different settings - pirates, space explorers, a woman living in NYC. The stories examine our relationships with nature, with technology, and what defines us as humans. Similar to Cloud Atlas, which I have seen the movie version of but not read yet. I also recommend this book highly!

Isn't this picture amazing?! My friend shared it online, so I am not sure where it came from, but I love it so much.

Monday, December 1, 2014

rabbit rabbit, happy December!!

December already!?!?
I just posted yesterday BUT I also read a book yesterday that my dad is currently reading, Dark Places by Gillian Flynn. I loved this book, I am fascinated by psychological thrillers, and I like being scared while reading but then as soon as I put the book down now being scared anymore because the story is so different than your life. The novel alternates every chapter following two threads: the murder of a mother and two daughters in the 1980s and the events leading up to their deaths, and then the story line in present day of the daughter who survived. The main character is unlikable but also I recognize a lot of her very real traits in myself and other people I live with. My favorite part of this book is the historical look at what was happening in the late 1900s, the decline of the farmer, the growth of big business, the Satanic cult worship hysteria, even thinking about therapy methods and how leading and harmful they were. I listened to an NPR interview with Flynn a while back and the interviewer said, "So…what HAPPENED to you?" and she laughed, saying she gets that question all the time, but that there was no trauma in her past, no dark secrets, she really enjoys looking at the physiologically twisted sides of life that often go ignored and unexamined. In her "thank yous" at the end of Dark Places she thanks her husband saying something like, "you know how my mind works and yet you still sleep next to me every night with the light off." haha!!

Well it is 71 degree here, I am wearing shorts, i hope everyone enjoys the last burst of warmth before the winter really sets in!
little abbs last year enjoying the snow
